Sunday, August 15, 2010

Concatenating the pdf files into a single consolidated pdf file

Hi folks,
I’m back with a helpful stuff for those people looking for concatenating the pdf files into a single consolidated pdf file. Also this piece of code exhibit use of iTextSharp open source library. You can get this library from below mentioned link.
iTextSharp Library
Ok, Lets start step by step
1) Download the library.
2) Create a Console application.
3) Add the reference to itextsharp.dll assembly.
4) Add below given code into appropriate files and add these files to your project.
5) Build this application.
6) Now you are set to go.
What this program do?
It a command line application which takes output pdf file name along with path as the first argument followed by list of the source file(i.e. source pdf files) names along with path for each file. On successful execution of the application all the pdf documents will get consolidated into output pdf file.


   1:  using System;

   2:  namespace ConcatenatePDF

   3:  {

   4:      /// <summary>

   5:      /// 

   6:      /// </summary>

   7:      class Program

   8:      {

   9:          /// <summary>

  10:          /// 

  11:          /// </summary>

  12:          /// <param name="args"></param>

  13:          static void Main(string[] args)

  14:          {

  15:              if(args.Length>1)

  16:              {

  17:                  try

  18:                  {

  19:                      string[] sourceFile = new string[args.GetUpperBound(0)];

  20:                      Array.Copy(args, 1, sourceFile, 0, args.GetUpperBound(0));

  21:                      string strMsg=PDFOperations.ConcatenatePDF(sourceFile, args[0]);

  22:                      Console.WriteLine(strMsg);

  23:                      Console.ReadKey();

  24:                  } catch (Exception ex)

  25:                  {

  26:                      Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);

  27:                  }

  28:              }

  29:          }

  30:      }

  31:  }


   1:  #region Using Directives

   2:  using System;

   3:  using System.Collections.Generic;

   4:  using System.IO;

   5:  using System.Security;

   6:  using System.Security.Permissions;

   7:  using System.Text;

   8:  using iTextSharp.text;

   9:  using iTextSharp.text.pdf;

  10:  #endregion

  11:  namespace ConcatenatePDF

  12:  {    /// <summary>

  13:      /// PDFOpertaions class holds the methods to perform various tasks as of now

  14:      /// PDFOperations class have the method for concatenate the PDF file into a single pdf file.

  15:      /// </summary>

  16:      public class PDFOperations

  17:      {

  18:          /// <summary>

  19:          ///  This Method can be used for concatenating the more than on pdf file into a single 

  20:          /// pdf file. 

  21:          /// </summary>

  22:          /// <param name="sourcePdFfiles">This string arrays will hold the filenames along with the path to be 

  23:          /// concatenated

  24:          /// </param>

  25:          /// <param name="destinationPdfFile">Name of the output file along with path</param>

  26:          public static String ConcatenatePDF(Array sourcePdFfiles, string destinationPdfFile)

  27:          {

  28:              int numberOfPages;

  29:              StringBuilder stringBuilder= new StringBuilder();

  30:              List<string> srcPDFFileList = new List<string>();

  31:              Document pdfDoc = new Document();

  32:              FileIOPermission f2 = new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write | FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, destinationPdfFile);

  33:              try

  34:              {

  35:                  f2.Demand();

  36:                  PdfCopy copy = new PdfCopy(pdfDoc, new FileStream(destinationPdfFile, FileMode.CreateNew));

  37:                  pdfDoc.Open();

  38:                  foreach (string file in sourcePdFfiles)

  39:                  {

  40:                      if (File.Exists(file))

  41:                      {

  42:                          PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(file);

  43:                          numberOfPages = reader.NumberOfPages;

  44:                          for (int pageCount = 0; pageCount < numberOfPages; )

  45:                          {

  46:                              copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, ++pageCount));

  47:                          }

  48:                      } else

  49:                      {

  50:                        stringBuilder.Append(String.Format("{0}: {1}", file, ": This file does not exists.\n"));

  51:                      }

  52:                  }

  53:                  pdfDoc.Close();

  54:                  if (File.Exists(destinationPdfFile))

  55:                  {

  56:                      stringBuilder.Append(String.Format("{0}: {1}", destinationPdfFile, ": created successfully.\n"));

  57:                  }

  58:              } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException s)

  59:              {

  60:                  stringBuilder.Append(String.Format(" Error Occurred :{0} \n", s.Message));


  62:              }

  63:              catch (SecurityException s)

  64:              {

  65:                  stringBuilder.Append(String.Format(" Error Occurred :{0} \n", s.Message));

  66:              }

  67:             return stringBuilder.ToString();

  68:          }

  69:      }

  70:  }

Please provide the feedback and revert for any clarification

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Convert the value ( i.e. Duration in Seconds ) to HH:MM:SS

/// Convert the value ( i.e. Duration in Seconds ) to HH:MM:SS
/// Ex: 5430 seconds is equal to 01 hour 30 min 30 sec therefore
/// output is 01:30:30

private string ConvertDurationFormat(int intDurationInSec)
const int iUnitOfSec = 60;
int iSec = (intDurationInSec % iUnitOfSec);
int iRemainder = Convert.ToInt16(intDurationInSec / iUnitOfSec);
int iMin = (iRemainder % iUnitOfSec);
int iHour = Convert.ToInt16(iRemainder / iUnitOfSec);
return String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", iHour, iMin, iSec);